German Institute for Adult Education (DIE)  

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The contribution of Adult and Continuing education staff to the Lisbon agenda- existing potential and further development needs

Ján Figel’—Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture, and Youth

European Conference: Qualifying the Actors in Adult and Continuing Education. Trends and Perspectives
Bad Honnef, 3–5 May 2007

Abstract of keynote speech

Education and training, within a lifelong learning perspective, are widely accepted as critical factors in the development and success of today's knowledge society and economy.

And teachers and trainers are considered as the driving forces of education and training. Their quality and professional development are therefore increasingly recognised as a priority in the policy discussions.

Teachers and trainers should be properly qualified and trained to be able to answer the demands they are facing and their skills and competences should be continuously updated.

This is valid in general for all teachers and trainers but even more for the ones working with adult learners, where the need to update the skills of Europe's workforce is paired with the need to promote social inclusion and to offer every citizen the opportunity to fulfil his or her own potential.

At European level the issue is high on the agenda. It is part of the "Education and Training 2010" work programme, and addressed by a number of initiatives and reference tools.

The Commission Communication on Adult Learning, adopted in October 2006, identifies adult education staff as a key target group and urges Member States to put in place initial and continuing professional development measures to qualify and up-skill people working in adult learning.

Member States' efforts can be supported from European level. Community funding programmes (especially Grundtvig) have been providing support for the in-service training of adult education staff since 2001, and the new Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013, will continue to finance the European mobility of staff working in adult and continuing education.